Annie Starke

Blistered snap peas with mint, butter + smoked sea salt

Annie Starke
Blistered snap peas with mint, butter + smoked sea salt


  • 1 lbs Sugar snap peas, strings and stems removed

  • 1 Heaping tablespoon unsalted butter

  • Pinch of fresh black pepper

  • Pinch  smoked sea salt 

  • Bunch of fresh mint, roughly chopped


  • Heat cast iron skillet until very hot. 

  • Sauté the peas until char marks appear, stirring occasionally. 

  • Add the butter and toss the peas until coated evenly. 

  • Finish with a pinch of smoked sea salt, fresh pepper and a sprinkling of mint leaves. Transfer the peas to a bowl and enjoy immediately.

*Photo courtesy of Magnolia Network. Special thanks to Pacific Productions & Matt Ball.